
Megjelent a Spyderco 2017 évközi katalógusa

Megjelent a sokak által csak “pókos” késgyártó, a Spyderco 2017 évközi katalógusa, szemelvény a hivatalos hírlevélből:

That Springtime phenomenon known as the Spyderco Mid-Year Catalog has arrived.  This year it s fat, so stuffed full of new knives and accessories that it is actually larger than the entire Spyderco product line was in the early 90s. We aim to offer something to satisfy everyone from the collector, boater, the military person to the outdoorsman and the new line up certainly does just that. Hard copies of the Spyderco Mid-Year will be shipping in about 2 weeks.

A katalógus on-line is elérhető a http://catalog.spyderco.com/midyearproductguide/ címen.